Sunday, March 8, 2009

Best Friends

Callie and Sam Lodge are the cutest little friends. Callie just adores him and Sam is so sweet to Callie and is always so nice to her. Chari was such a sweetheart and watched the girls for Ryan and I on Valentines Day so we could go to dinner and she took these darling pictures!

Callie made Sam a valentine, but I think she wanted to hold it!

So I watched her boys yesterday so Chari and Joe could go to dinner last night and they were taking pictures with the play cell phone so I asked them if they wanted me to take a really picture, smile cheese, as Callie likes to call it.

They were having a lot of fun playing yesterday, but Chari had a lot more luck getting them to actually look at the camera and smile. Hmm, I guess I need some more practice!